Sustainability is the term buzzing about like a bee in spring. It seems like everywhere you look, there it is just hovering about. But what does sustainability actually refer to? In theory, sustainability refers to something’s ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level. Which is probably why we use this term these days to describe environmentally conscious practices.
It’s easy to “green wash” any business but actually making changes to truly become sustainable takes real commitment. So we thought it was time to share the ways Bach Hair is committing to a sustainable future.
Sustainable Salon
Bach Hair has been a member of the Sustainable Salons program since 2017. Sustainable Salons provides hair and beauty salons with a recycling program that allows them to recycle approximately 95% of all the waste produced in their salon. The plastics, metals, paper, hair, chemicals and glass we use are all recycled or repurposed. Items such as foil – an essential for all those gorgeous blondes! – are infinitely recyclable, so Sustainable Salons has taken the opportunity to not only collect used foil and recycle it into new foil but to sell it back to salons to continue the cycle. Even better, profits from the sale of foil and other recycled goods such as plastic combs made from our recycled plastics are used to sponsor local charities like OzHarvest. In fact Sustainable Salons has over 22 charity partners! So while we might not be able to stop creating rubbish completely, at least we can be proud that our rubbish isn’t going to waste.
Full details about the impact of Sustainable Salons are available on their website.
Hello Sunshine!
Our blow dryers might be powerful, but nothing beats the power of the sun! Bach Hair sources at least 75% of it’s overall power usage from the solar panels on our salon roof. With summer quickly approaching you can enjoy that special occasion blow dry thanks to those endless sunny days. And you don’t even have to stand outside all day to do it 😉
Water Wise
There is nothing quite as lovely as someone else washing your hair, especially when it involves an amazing head massage! All our basins are fitted with eco-friendly water saving hose heads, which means while you are laying back and relaxing, we are using less water to make your locks clean and fresh.
Product Placement
It’s not just the big things that make a difference when it comes to sustainability. Sometimes it’s the little changes that can really make an impact. Like offering environmentally aware products like our Kevin.Murphy ranges and digital magazines rather than traditional glossy paper ones. Or choosing wrapped biscuits to reduce food wastage ( bonus points because we can also recycle soft plastics!). Or even using leftover water from drinking glasses to water plants, composting coffee grounds and teabags and using biodegradable bin liners for the small amount of non recyclable waste we now produce.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Remember
When it comes to environmental impact and sustainability it is easy to only focus on the material impact we make. But it is important to remember that sustaining those living and breathing around us is also a part in creating a sustainable future. Bach Hair endeavors to promote a culture within the team that supports our local community, whether that be through salon donation or volunteering our services to local charities.
We don’t often advertise our sponsorship and involvement when it comes to donating our time and resources. This is because sustaining our community is not about financial gain or “looking good” – it is about supporting those that need support. It is about uplifting our team, our clients and our wider community. And it’s about ensuring that no matter what, we can continue to provide a beautiful service to everyone without destroying the amazing world around us.
So remember, sustainability might be a buzz word but that doesn’t mean we should swat it away. Let’s embrace sustainability, like we have embraced bees, knowing that its only good things that come from it as long as we treat it right. But I think I will still avoid those mosquitoes….
Until next time,
Sarah xx